Report published on Socio-economic impact of space activities in Finland
Forest Flux Project completed, ready for use
The three-year Forest Flux project Innovation Action project of the Horizon2020 program was successfully completed according to the original schedule. Now it is the time to move into operational services while continuing the development work in other projects.
Information is increasingly demanded for forest management purposes, to prove responsible asset management to the shareholders, and to follow the European policies and treaties.
Forest Flux developed a service chain to support sustainable forest management. The services provide up-to-date… read more
Forest Flux Final Report available now. Please circulate it further.
Forest Flux press release was published.
The Final Review was held successfully as an on-line meeting because of the Covid situation.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is Germany’s leading provider of international cooperation services. It supports the German Government in more than 130 countries in a wide-ranging portfolio of topics in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. In Madagascar, GIZ is invested in several projects related to environmental protection and climate change adaptation… read more

Forstwirtschaftliche Vereinigung Schwarzwald eG (FVS eG) is a forestry association that is located in the Black Forest region in Southern Germany. In terms of area and marketing volume, FVS is one of the largest forestry associations in Germany. FVS has a cooperative structure and acts on behalf of more than 50 members who are local forestry associations as well as municipal and private forestry operations. FVS aims to optimize forestry management and marketing for its members. FVS supports local and profitable value chains and provides up-to-date information about wood markets, forest management and forest politics to its members… read more

The Paraguayan Agricultural Corporation (PAYCO) operates 5,000 ha of natural forest and 8,000 ha of plantations in Paraguay. The company is dedicated to agricultural and forestry production and committed to social and environmental responsibility. They also aim to achieve excellence and transparency in its management through innovation and the quality of its products. PAYCO were one of the most important pilot users for the Forest Flux project because of they are the only purely commercial plantation operator that were part of the Forest Flux … read more

Source: http://www.payco.com.py/#/es/presencia_en_paraguay
Are carbon flux products reliable?
Authors: Xianglin Tian, Francesco Minunno, Laura Sirro, Annikki Mäkelä, Tuomas Häme
1. What is the tool used for carbon flux computation?
In Forest Flux project the carbon flux computation is mainly based on PREBAS (Figure 1), which is a forest growth model developed at the University of Helsinki. In PREBAS two different models PRELES (PREdict Light-use efficiency, Evapotranspiration and Soil water) model and CROBAS (Tree growth and CROwn BASe from carbon balance) are coupled together to predict the … read more

Forest Flux was presented in ESA Φ-WEEK organized by European Space Agency 11-15 October 2021.
Presentation of Forest Flux user PAYCO
PAYCO is an agribusiness working in rural Paraguay since 1976, owning around 128,000 ha in different estates across the country. Traditionally dedicated to agriculture and beef production, PAYCO…
Second set of pilot services have been completed and delivered to nine core users in six countries. The results will be assessed by the users in August and September 2021.
Forest Flux will be presented in Finnish Satellite Workshop and Remote Sensing Days 2021 23-24 August. Registration to the fully online event here.
Forest Flux project was presented in GI_Forum 2021 | Symposium & Exhibit, July 5 – 8, 2021.
Forest Flux press release was published 5.11.2020.
First pilot services were completed and delivered in May 2020. Nearly 700 products on forest structural and carbon flux variables were computed. The results will be assessed by the users in June. The services will be defined and improved based on the user feedback for the next service iteration that will start in fall 2020.
General project presentation in German, Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish and Romanian added.
Project team, reviewers and advisors having a lunch break during the first periodic review meeting that was held successfully at the premises of Unique Forestry and Land Use in Freiburg, Germany, on January 9, 2020.
Forest Flux and Forestry-TEP will be presented in Finnish Satellite Workshop and Remote Sensing Days, January 20-22, 2020. https://spaceworkshop.fi/
Blog post about the Pecora/ISRSE 21 Conference can be found on the Forestry-TEP web page https://f-tep.com/?q=content/pecoraisrse-conference-cloud-platforms-automation-landsat
Forestry-TEP and Forest Flux will be presented in an oral talk during the Pecora/ISRSE conference in Baltimore on Tuesday, October 8. https://pecora.asprs.org/ Sep 25, 2019
Forest Flux partner, Matthias Dees from UNIQUE land use and forestry, participated and contributed on October 8 2019, at the event organized by the European Commission “Paving the way for Horizon Europe in the Earth Observation (EO) downstream sector: Fostering a competitive and sustainable European EO downstream workshop”.
Blogpost by Simosol on Forest Flux:
Service agreements for the first pilot services have been signed with all nine pilot users. The sub-systems and pilot plan are ready to enable start of the production in October. Sep 25, 2019
Forest Flux poster in ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019 13.-17.5.2019 in Milan, Italy (Click image to enlarge).
Project team in Freiburg.
Project team in Espoo.